7 Health Benefits Of Fenugreek / Methi Dana Seeds

    Health Benefits Of Fenugreek

    Fenugreek, also known as methi dana seed, is an interesting herb that has a lot of health benefits. This multipurpose herb has small white flowers with green leaves and the flower contains the methi dana seed pod. Tiny in size, these seeds are yellowish brown pungent, hard in texture, and also have a bitter taste. 

    South Asian cuisine is filled with spices and herbs that not only add color and flavor to your meals but are also a source of great nutritional value. The most common foods you can find these seeds in are Indian curries, Persian, Turkish and even Egyptian cuisine.

    With the slightly bitter flavor of methi dana, it is definitely a bit intimidating to consume for people who are trying it for the first time. But with the nutritional value containing carbohydrates, fat, magnesium, proteins, vitamin A, B, & C etc., you consuming it directly is definitely being a true desi at heart as well. 

    Methi dana seeds have been used for both beauty and medicinal purposes for ages now. Here are some of the amazing health benefits of methi dana seeds that you just can’t miss out on:

    1. Healthy Hair

    Hair fall, dry scalp, dandruff… the list is endless when it comes to hair problems. These seeds are a perfect home remedy for strengthening your hair, restoring their shine, and helping with hair growth.

    2. Perfect Skin

    Got acne prone skin? Well, methi dana in your kitchen can definitely help you with that. These seeds have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties to them, making sure to destroy any free radicals responsible for dark spots, acne, wrinkly skin, etc. 

    3. Effective Weight Loss

    Methi dana seeds are super fibrous so if you want to cut back on your calorie count, feel full for a longer period of time, and lose some weight in the process, then this is the way to go! 

    4. Helps With Digestion

    Consuming methi dana can really help you with bowel problems or hyper acidity. Make a paste of it mixed with ginger and consume a tablespoon before your meals for effective results.

    5. Enhanced Milk Production

    Now, if you are a new mom, a steady flow of breastmilk is absolutely necessary for you and the baby. Having to deal with a reduced milk-flow can be exhausting.   Methi dana contains phytoestrogen that is known to increase milk production. 

    6. Reduced Menstrual Cramps

    Menstrual cramps are legit deal-breakers and can really ruin your day. With the presence of alkaloids in methi dana you can deal with your menstrual cramps and reduce the pain. It also helps with fatigue and nausea in general. 

    7. Controlled Cholesterol Levels

    Did you know that flavonoids in methi dana seeds can help balance high cholesterol.  Head to your pantry or kitchen to discover methi dana miracles now!

    These were some of the amazing health benefits of Fenugreek, also known as methi dana seeds. Considering the small amount you have to consume in order to enjoy the health benefits of it, well that’s not too shabby for a home remedy at all. 


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